Monday, August 10, 2015


25", M, 4.5", BlackRed Self with Orange Throat, Tetraploid, 5 branches, 36 buds
(Notorious * Congo Dancer)
Now, don't be fooled by the high budcount and branching. It is terribly branched, with all of the buds bunched together in a compact manner. The scape is so think and so dense with buds that it could easily support a small bird or two if they were to perch on it. Although pod fertile, the pollen is a bit iffy. When multiple blooms are open on the same day, only some appear to actually have pollen on their anthers. Even when a bloom does have pollen, only some of the anthers have it. I hope that this will change next year, as this was the first year for it to bloom. The color is just what I wanted when I envisioned this cross. Now I have the hard part: trying to breed good plant habits into this line. The foliage of this one is also too stiff for me. The color also fades throughout the day from an almost black to a deep red. I believe that this seedling is darker than the photo shows: as many daylily lovers woefully admit, it is extremely hard to capture deep, velvety reds like this on camera. I have high hopes for this seedling, and crossed with it this year to grow my red tetraploid line. I'll leave you with a few more photos:
 The velvety texture is apparent in the photo above. Very close to actual color, wish it was a more head-on photo.

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